Details Price Qty
Thur. Sept. 12-13 2024 8:30am-4:30pm Location: 730 Bridge St. West Unit #3, Waterloo $395.00 CAD*  
Thur. Nov. 21-22 2024 8:30am-4:30pm Location: 730 Bridge St. West Unit #3, Waterloo $395.00 CAD*  

* price does not include taxes

  • Thursday September 12-13 2024 8:30am-4:30pm Location: 730 Bridge St. West Unit #3, Waterloo
     September 12, 2024 - September 13, 2024
     8:30 am - 4:30 pm
  • Thursday November 21-22 2024 8:30am-4:30pm Location: 730 Bridge St. West Unit #3, Waterloo
     November 21, 2024 - November 22, 2024
     8:30 am - 4:30 pm

ACUTE delivers training in English and participants need to demonstrate an independent understanding and comprehension of the course content to successfully complete the training.

Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm

*Courses marked with an asterisk are held on consecutive Saturdays

Prerequisites: Joint Health and Safety Committee Part 1

Program Content

A Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC) is a committee of at least two persons, who represent the workers and the employer at a workplace. Their primary role is to identify workplace health and safety problems and bring them to the attention of the employer. This certification (Part 1 and 2) involves training in health and safety law, and the identification, assessment, and control of hazards.

Standards for this training are set by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development and the ministry also certifies JHSC members who complete approved training programs.

Who should enroll in this training program?

Section 9 of OHSA requires a JHSC at:

  • Any workplace that regularly employs 20 or more workers;
  • Construction projects expected to last three months or longer with 20 or more workers;
  • Any workplace (other than a construction project) to which a designated substance regulation applies;
  • Any workplace where an order has been issued under OHSA section 33, dealing with toxic substances; and
  • Any workplace where the Minister of Labour orders one to be established.

Workplaces with more than five but less than 20 workers are not usually required to have a JHSC. Instead, workers must select a person from among themselves to be a health and safety representative.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act, Subsection 9(12) requires most workplaces with 20 or more workers to have at least one worker and one management person serve as certified members of a workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC).

Additional Information

JHSC Certification Part 2 must be completed within 1 year of JHSC Certification Part 1 training.

A one-day refresher is required every three years to keep your JHSC Certification.

For further information, please contact us directly at