More Important Than You Think…

We’ve come up with the top 5 reasons why workplace safety training is so important!

  1. Productive Work Environments – Learn more ->
  2. Higher Workplace Standards – Learn more ->
  3. Employee Happiness – Learn more ->
  4. Safety Training Wins Business Customers & Improves Profits – Learn more ->
  5. Safety Training Fosters A Culture Of Continual Improvement & Learning – Learn more ->

This list has been generated through our experience in the field. We believe these are the top benefits of workplace safety training. To learn more about each benefit, scroll down!

It only takes one mistake to have an employee injured or even killed. Even a small accident at a work place can be catastrophic, causing worker stress, psychological problems, team member morale and high employee turnover. When it comes to workplace safety, the standard needs to be always a 100% success rate. 100% success of anything requires detailed, successful and continual training.

At ACUTE, we have over 100 years of combined experience with in-house or on-site worker environmental and safety training. We want to use our experience to help you get the most out of workplace training! Workplace training will help keep all of your workers safe.

1. Productive Work Environments

Believe it or not, always providing and promoting workplace safety training will improve productivity. When people have guidelines and rules to follow, it makes sure they are always on task. Influencing these norms and rules will make sure your employees get their tasks done in the safest way possible. Properly managed safety programs show commitment to safety in the workplace and create a culture where everyone wants to be safe.

A study by Lockheed Martin of their Paducah Plant found that by developing a safety culture, they were able to increase employee productivity by 24% and reduce factory costs by 20%. Lockheed Martin’s study found that the major reason for this increase was their focus on reducing errors that lead to accidents. By implementing extensive training, improving pre-work preparation, and auditing all safety processes, plant personnel were able to increase safety while also reducing expenses.


2. Higher Workplace Standards

With all these safety programs in place for the workplace, it will hold the whole place to a higher standard. By always promoting and providing workplace safety training, everyone will feel the need to hold that safety standard, making it less likely for something to go wrong. Making sure everyone keeps these standards will provide safety for everyone in the workplace!

A study by Deloitte found that companies that adopt a continuous learning strategy saw a 26% increased ability to deliver quality products. On the contrary, companies that do not conduct continuous workplace safety training will develop a reputation of an unsafe employer.

This can than have a big impact on your employee’s perception of the professionalism of the company. With a lower perception of the professionalism of the company they work at, employees will be more likely to cut corners. At a company where the employees view it as a professional workplace, they will take greater care to ensure mistakes are not made and that they are not caught cutting corners.

When safety becomes a core value of the company, employees care more.


3. Employee Happiness

A safe environment produces happier employees! Workers like to show up to a space where they know they are valued and protected. When workers know they are safe, it provides peace of mind, making them happier than an employee who feels endangered by their environment. When employees are happy, it promotes better work attendance, which improves productivity! Happier employees also tell others about the great company they work at and create word of mouth referrals and leads that turn into additional revenue.

A safer environment also protects your most important assets, your employees. A company with better employees will always outperform a company with lesser quality employees. Making sure the employees are happy and well trained on workplace safety protects your company! It ensures that everyone feels highly valued and appreciated by you, them employer! Making sure your employees are happy will not only benefit them but also benefit you.

Here are some great stats that support this point:

87% of millennials believe learning and development in the workplace is important.

70% of employees would be somewhat likely to leave their current job to work for an organization known for investing in employee development and learning.

Retention rates rise 30-50% for companies with strong learning cultures.


This one particular study showed that employees that engaged in workplace safety training showed significant increases in employee satisfaction –

Another study done by Chong W. Kim, Marjorie L. McInerney and Robert P. Alexander at Marshall University found similar results:

Within the two departments with the lowest safety incident rate (Departments B & C), employees rank their supervisors and jobs higher on the JDI satisfaction scale.”

4. Safety Wins Business Customers & Profits

Safety training will not only guarantee safety in your workplace, but will also help when it comes to the business side of your company. Potential customers really love when the company they are trying to do business with promotes and has a high level of safety culture within the workplace. It shows that you care about attention to detail and can be trusted to do business with. A well-managed workplace can be shown through the safety program in place!

Safety training also will enhance your brand. A well-trained group of employees will show everyone you are a legitimate company that can be trusted when it comes to getting business done.


Source: The Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index –

5. Safety Training Fosters A Culture Of Continual Improvement & Learning

Safety only improves your business! Once you have a great safety program intact, there are endless benefits that will come to your company. Safety training will not only keep everyone safe but also improve revenue and reduce business costs.

Deloitte reports that companies with continuous learning cultures enjoy a number of benefits, including:

  • They experience 37 percent higher productivity
  • They are 46 percent more likely to be first to market
  • They are 92 percent more likely to innovate
  • They are 17% more likely to be the market share leader

Keep in mind that 80% of workforce learning happens via on-the-job interactions with peers, teammates and managers. That is why it is so important to have all your staff is trained extremely well when it comes to safety so that they pass on the proper learning to new staff members. All staff should undergo safety training/refreshers courses at least once a year if not even more regularly.

The step to implementing a continuous learning culture are

  1. Create a mindset that is open to growth by explaining why learning is important and how people will benefit
  2. Teach people how to give great feedback through developing listening, communication and observation skills
  3. Introduce 360-degree development reviews
  4. Set learning goals within teams
  5. Start a peer-to-peer coaching ecosystem


If you would like to learn more about workplace safety training and implementing continuous learning, make sure to contact us right now!