You may be wondering if you should engage in safety training online or in-person. Oftentimes, this is not an easy decision to make.

However, once you take into account the type of training you require and whether or not you will benefit from a hands-on approach, this decision will be much easier.

This article will explain the difference between safety training online vs in-person training, the advantages of each, and explain which is the better option.

Click on each corresponding link to jump ahead to that section.

If your business is located in Ontario, Acute Safety offers a variety of safety training courses to fit your needs. Contact the professionals at ACUTE today to learn more.

What Is the Difference?

health and safety
Consider the differences between safety training online vs in-person

Online safety training is conducted through digital platforms or e-learning modules that participants access remotely using computers, tablets, or smartphones.

This method of safety training has its own unique benefits, such as:

  • Flexibility and Convenience
  • Tracking and Reporting
  • Consistent Content
  • Scalability

But generally speaking, the benefits of in-person safety training outweigh those of online safety training.

In-person safety training involves physical attendance at a training session conducted in a classroom, workshop, or other designated location.

This form of safety training is valuable because it provides trainees with:

  • Immediate Interaction
  • Hands-on Learning
  • Networking and Collaboration
  • Personalized Guidance

Now that we have a general understanding of online vs in-person safety training, let’s discuss the benefits of each further.

Benefits of Safety Training Online

Online safety training allows for more flexibility and consistency

1. Flexibility and Convenience

Typically speaking, participants can access online training materials anytime, anywhere, allowing them to learn at their own pace and fit the training into their schedules.

Oftentimes, safety training online is conducted through some sort of e-learning platform without the presence of an instructor. Instead, participants are given access to an online course where they are expected to engage with the content by reading instructional text, watching videos, and submitting practice quizzes. This is especially common for WHMIS training.

2. Tracking and Reporting

Online platforms often provide tools to:

  • Track progress
  • Assess scores
  • Generate reports

In return, these tools help simplify the monitoring and record-keeping processes.

For example, most online safety courses can be exited at any time and resumed at a later date. This is because the online module is being tracked automatically, making it easier for the participant to manage their time.

In addition, a lot of these online safety training courses have tests/quizzes which are accompanied by real-time results. This way participants do not have to wait a long time for their instructor to grade their test, their results are given to them instantly.

3. Consistent Content

Safety training online also ensures that all participants receive the same standardized content, reducing inconsistencies in the learning experience. This also eliminates personal bias and ensures that all topics are covered.

Regardless of demographic, all participants receive the same exact training content. This way participants can not claim they didn’t learn something when it is part of the standardized content.

4. Scalability

Another advantage of safety training online is that it can accommodate a large number of participants simultaneously. This makes it suitable for organizations with a wide workforce or multiple locations.

Being able to train the majority of your employers all at once is very beneficial. This will serve to increase efficiency because all of your trainees will be trained in less time.

Benefits of Safety Training In-Person

In-person safety training has many benefits such as hands-on learning and personalized guidance

1. Immediate Interaction

One of the main benefits of safety training in-person is that participants can engage in:

  • Real-time discussion
  • Asking questions
  • Receive immediate feedback from instructors

These features enhance the learning experience and make learning easier for a lot of participants. This is because instructors and fellow trainees can provide answers to any questions participants may have which are often accompanied by in-person demonstrations.

Both immediate interaction and the presence of instructors and fellow trainees can also boost motivation and engagement, creating a more dynamic learning environment.

2. Hands-on Learning

In-person training often incorporates the following:

By incorporating these elements into safety training, participants receive much more realistic training. Through hands-on learning, participants also learn how to actually use the equipment, tools, or PPE that they will be required to use in their field of work. Therefore, this style of safety training promotes workplace safety.

Hands-on learning paired with immediate interaction creates an effective learning environment. It is important to consider that both of these are not factors in safety training online. 

3. Networking and Collaboration

We have all heard the cliché: “it isn’t what you know, it’s who you know”. While perhaps not exhaustively true, it certainly highlights the importance of networking in this modern age. Fortunately, one straightforward way to network is through in-person training.

Through safety training in-person, participants have the opportunity to connect with their fellow trainees and instructors. This allows them to share their experiences and build professional relationships during the training session. In return, these interactions will increase the sense of community and grant participants great opportunities down the line.

4. Personalized Guidance

Another benefit of safety training in-person is that instructors can tailor the following elements to meet the specific needs and skill levels of each participant:

  • Training content
  • Pace of training
  • Specific examples

For example, if the instructor is teaching how to properly enter and exit confined spaces and there is a certain element a handful of participants are not fully understanding, they have the ability to slow things down and make sure they fully understand. This ensures that all participants are receiving adequate training in which they can actually apply in the real world. Conversely, this flexibility is often not possible for safety training online.

Which is Better?

Overall, when deciding between safety training online vs in-person, we at Acute Safety recommend safety training in-person.

Although both forms of safety training have their benefits, having the immediate interaction and hands-on experience provided by in-person training is invaluable.

For more information on safety training online vs in-person, click here. Also, if you are not sure whether or not to engage in online or in-person safety training, contact Acute Safety for helpful recommendations.

Safety Training Online or In-Person With ACUTE

You can rely on ACUTE for all your safety training requirements

If you are looking for high-quality online safety training or in-person safety training, book a course with ACUTE. Also, if you have any questions regarding what you need to assemble before safety training, contact us. You can train at our world-class training facility, or we can come to your site to do the training, the choice is yours.

ACUTE is dedicated to workplace safety training and understands just how important it is.

Here are some of the benefits of working with ACUTE:

  • Open Door Instructor-Student Partnership – ACUTE’s training services emphasize client participation, staff foster relationships with clients and serve as a touchstone for advice anytime moving forward.
  • Serving Your Team and Industry – With a vast array of clients in manufacturing, construction, health, academic, and government sectors, ACUTE brings the best safety practices from across the spectrum to your workplace.
  • 100 Years Combined Experience – ACUTE provides comprehensive health and safety trainingon-site safety services, and consulting services. With over 100 years of combined experience, our company staff offers more than theoretical or abstract ideas. ACUTE offers solutions!
  • Track Record of Success – ACUTE is rated 4.9/5 stars on Google reviews, demonstrating a commitment to our clients, quality, and passion for training.

Take a look at our course calendar, and find a date that works for you. We offer courses such as:

For a complete list of our training courses, click here.

Hours of Operation and Contact Information:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Phone: (519) 747-5075

Fax: (519) 747-4608


What Our Customers Are Saying…

We were referred to ACUTE on behalf of our employer for an n95 mask fitting – the staff here are professional, personable, and informative.

I’d come back here for any safety-related training in a heartbeat.

Larry S

Acute has been a staple in supporting my companies over the years and have always delivered quality and dependable service. Training programs are top shelf and a great facility for practical application. couldn’t recommend them more. keep up the great work folks.

Greg Smiley

Acute is recognized and respected as a people organization and they have been doing it right for a long time.

Konstantinos Varas