Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: Today we are going to show you how you can promote and improve the driving practices in your organization.
ACUTE has over 100 years of combined experience with in-house or on-site worker environmental and safety training. We want to help you keep your workers safe.
We’ll share some driving stats, tips on how to reduce accidents, safety talks for your employees and so much more. So let’s get going.

Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: Keep your workers and drivers safe on the job
Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: Stats
Keeping your workers safe while they are driving for you should be a priority. Safety talks and safe driving training can help you prevent accidents that occur while driving. Here are some stats to help drive this point home.
- In 2017, WSIB reported 2,004 driving accidents in the workplace; 61 of those occurred in Waterloo.
- The OHSA (see Pike Industries) reported how one paving company greatly improved their safety record after implementing a weekly safety talk. Their drivers did not get into any accidents even though they traveled 2 million miles! This same company’s workers compensation claims for vehicle incidents accounted for 73% of their losses in 2001. That figure dropped to just 2 % of their losses in 2003 after the implementation of a daily safety talk.
- According to the Canada Safety Council , “93 per cent of Canadians buckle up, the seven per cent who don’t account for almost 40 percent of fatalities in vehicle collisions.” They also report that the use of seat belts save about 1,000 lives every year in Canada.
By incorporating safety talks and encouraging the use of seat belts, you can make a difference in the reduction of driving accidents in your workplace.

Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: Wearing your seat belt can save your life
ACUTE’s Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving
If you are looking for a safety talk presentation of safe driving for your employees, contact ACUTE Environmental. ACUTE can come to your company, organization, or association and give a safety talk on safe driving.
Our trainers are highly experienced safety professionals and we would love to provide you and your drivers with the information and the training that you need to stay safe on the roads. We also provide a wide variety of other safety training programs designed to keep your workers safe on the job.

Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: ACUTE can provide this training
Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: Tips
Here are some helpful safe driving tips that will keep your driver safe.
Tip#1: Provide Driver Training
Even if your drivers are experienced, they will benefit from continuous driver safety training and safety talks that include reminders of safe driving practices and skills. It’s easy to forget and neglect to follow safe driving habits over time. A regular reminder is a good way to keep these good practices fresh in the minds of your drivers.
Tip #2: Keep Your Property Safe
You need to do your part in keeping your property safe for your drivers. Make sure that your parking lots are well lit and well maintained. Keep your roadways and parking space lines clearly marked and clear or any debris or snow.
Tip #3: Install Safety Signage
Put up signs that remind your drivers to wear their seat belts and drive safely as they leave your lot.
Tip #4: Secure Materials in Vehicles
If there is an accident or if your driver has to make a sudden turn, then loose objects can move around or become airborne and can injure your driver or passengers. Make sure that all equipment, tools or other objects are secure before driving.
Tip #5: Encourage Seat Belt Use
Wearing your seat belt is the most effective way of reducing injuries and fatalities in driving accidents.

Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: Remind your drivers about best driving practices
Daily Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: Why They Are Important
Health and safety is very important in the workplace. A safety talk is a short meeting at a work site where there are people working amidst safety hazards. Having a daily 5-minute safety talk can reduce safety incidents for your team and reduce paperwork. Here are some other great benefits of a daily safety talk:
- Safety talks help your employees to be more alert and work safer on a day to day basis.
- Doing the job well and safely are fundamental to every work process.
- Some experienced members may know a lot about the safety topics you are covering. Incorporate them into the discussion and have them share their experiences.
- Safety talks are opportunities to feature live demonstration and application challenges that help ensure safety concepts make a difference in daily work.
- Safety talks are applicable to all industries and offices and has been proven to reduce rates of injuries and fatalities.
The above video will give you more driving safety tips
At Work Driving Accidents
It’s not difficult to find examples of at work driving accidents in the news. It’s often a daily occurrence. Not only are driving accidents a serious threat to worker safety, but they also cost companies incredible amounts in damages to vehicles, lost products, lost time, and increased insurance rates.
Here is one example where a transport driver was charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death in a fatal 7 car pileup on Highway 401 east of Belleville. You can read the details of the story here.

Safety Talk Presentation Safe Driving: Driving accidents can be fatal
ACUTE Can Help You Keep Your Workers Safe
ACUTE’s experienced team members have been serving safety professionals for over 20 years. You can trust ACUTE for hands-on, practical training to keep your employees safe in the workplace. ACUTE is dedicated to workplace safety and understands the importance of course and training provider approval. Why get workplace safety training with ACUTE? Here are just some of the benefits of working with ACUTE.
- Open Door Instructor-Student Partnership – ACUTE’s training services emphasize client participation. Staff foster relationships with clients and serve as a touchstone for advice anytime moving forward.
- Serving Your Team and Industry – With a vast array of clients in manufacturing, construction, health, academic, and government sectors, ACUTE brings the best safety practices from across the spectrum to your workplace.
- 100 Years Combined Experience – ACUTE provides comprehensive health and safety training, on-site safety services, and consulting services. With over 100 years of combined experience, our company staff offer more than theoretical or abstract ideas. ACUTE offers solutions.
- Track Record of Success – ACUTE is rated 4.9/5 stars on Google reviews, demonstrating a commitment to our clients, quality, and passion for training.
“ACUTE’s trainers have a passion for the material and care about their clients.”