Today we are going to outline the top workplace safety tips this year.

Acute has over 100 years of combined experience with in-house or on-site worker environmental and safety training. We want to help you get the training you need to keep your workers safe.

We’ll list the top workplace safety tips and expand on how you can put them into practice to keep your workers safe. So, let’s get going.

workplace safety tips

Follow these top workplace safety tips to stay safe

Workplace Safety Tips 2021

Tip #1: Get the Proper Training

Making sure that your workers are properly trained is undoubtedly one of the most important workplace safety tips. Workplace health and safety training will help ensure that your workers know how to stay safe while they are on the job. Some of the most common training courses that workers need to take include:

If any of your workers require training in the above courses or any other workplace health and safety training, click here to register them.

scissor and boom training

One of the best workplace safety tips is to get proper training

Tip #2: If You Are Aware of Any Unsafe Conditions, Report Them Immediately

Workers and management alike should take on the responsibility of reporting and fixing any unsafe working conditions as soon as they are noticed. The sooner a problem is fixed, the less likely it is to cause an accident.

Implementing a system where workers can report unsafe conditions by using a mobile app  as opposed to having to write up a report is one of the most efficient workplace safety tips and it allows the issue to be addressed in real-time. Another advantage of a mobile app is that managers are able to send out an immediate update to all of their employees to make them aware of the problem.

For example, if someone notices that there is a hazardous chemical leaking in one part of the facility, they can immediately inform the appropriate supervisor who can then dispatch a clean-up crew to the site and warn other employees to stay clear of that area until it is safe.

working with chemicals

Be sure to report safety hazards as soon as they happen

Tip #3: Make Sure You Take Regular Breaks

When you are tired you are far more likely to get injured because fatigue makes you less aware of your surroundings and you are more likely to forget or neglect proper safety protocols. It is important to take your regular breaks as required by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

In addition, make sure that you take time to eat and hydrate during your breaks as needed to keep healthy.

Tip #4: Make Sure Your Workspace Is Ergonomically Set Up

Your workspace should be designed to suit your physical needs. For example, if you are sitting at a desk all day, then your chair, desk, and computer equipment should be at a height that will enable you to work comfortably without straining your neck, back, shoulders and wrists. If you are operating machinery, it also needs to be designed ergonomically to suit your needs.

workplace safety tips

Workplace safety tips: Make sure your equipment is ergonomically designed

Tip #5: Make Sure You Wear Appropriate Safety Gear for Your Workplace

Make sure you always wear the required safety gear that is appropriate for your workplace, such as:

You should verify with your employer what safety gear is required for the types of tasks that you are performing and make sure that it fits right and is in good working condition.


Be sure you wear appropriate gear for your tasks

Tip #6: Implement a Joint Health and Safety Committee

A Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC) is a committee of at least two persons who represent the workers and the employer at a workplace. Their primary role is to identify workplace health and safety problems and bring them to the attention of your employer.

Tip #7: Regularly Conduct Safety Surveys

Survey your workers on a regular basis, asking questions about key safety issues such as:

  • How they feel about the effectiveness of their safety training
  • How they feel about their employer’s commitment to safety
  • How safe they feel in the workplace
  • How easy it is to report their safety concerns
  • What improvements of workplace safety tips would they suggest

Workplace safety tips: Conduct regular safety surveys

Tip #8: Follow Special Safety Protocols During a Pandemic (COVID-19)

The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has brought about the need to adopt special protocols in workplaces to keep employees safe. Here are a few of the most important COVID-19 protocols as outlined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act:

1. Work at home if possible
2. Set up workspaces so that there is a distance of at least 2 metres between workers wherever possible.
3. Limit the number of passengers on elevators at one time and avoid overcrowding in stairwells and other small spaces.
4. Regularly clean all of your high-touch surfaces and tools.
5. Provide workers with appropriate personal protective equipment.
6. Give your workers ample opportunities to regularly wash or sanitize their hands.
7. Stagger breaks and lunches throughout the day so that fewer workers are in lunch or break rooms at the same time.
8. Make sure that workers travelling abroad self-isolate for 14 days and that they monitor for any symptoms even if they are mild.
9. Hold meetings outdoors whenever possible.
10. Tell workers to stay home if they are feeling unwell.

workplace health and safety protocols

Make sure to follow COVID-19 protocols

ACUTE Is Committed to Workplace Safety

At ACUTE, we are committed to providing our learners with a safe and healthy facility in which to learn. We have implemented stringent measures to protect learners visiting our training facility. Here are our COVID-19 precautions we are taking:

ACUTE COVID-19 Precautions

Get the Best Safety Training From ACUTE

You can trust ACUTE for the best safety training possible. ACUTE’s experienced team members have been serving safety professionals for over 20 years.

You can rely on ACUTE for hands-on, physically distanced, practical safety training to keep your employees safe in the workplace.

ACUTE is dedicated to workplace safety and understands the importance of course and training provider approval.

Why get workplace safety training with ACUTE? Here are just some of the benefits of working with ACUTE:

  • Open Door Instructor-Student Partnership – ACUTE’s training services emphasize client participation. Staff foster relationships with clients and serve as a touchstone for advice anytime moving forward.
  • Serving Your Team and Industry – With a vast array of clients in the manufacturing, construction, health, academic, and government sectors, ACUTE brings the best safety practices from across the spectrum to your workplace.
  • 100 Years Combined Experience – ACUTE provides comprehensive health and safety trainingon-site safety services, and consulting services. With over 100 years of combined experience, our company staff offer more than theoretical or abstract ideas, ACUTE offers solutions.
  • Track Record of Success – ACUTE is rated 4.9/5 stars on Google reviews, demonstrating a commitment to our clients, quality, and passion for training.

Check out our course calendar for the times and dates of our courses.

“I work at the University of Guelph as an arborist. Ron Campbell provided a small socially distanced group and myself with working at heights training. Ron has a wealth of knowledge and kept everyone engaged with many “real life” examples of working at heights scenarios and facts. We have also received elevated work platform training with Patrick from Acute training. Patrick is also a very friendly, knowledgeable and engaging professional trainer. I truly believe that the best trainers are those with practical experience and the trainers at Acute have that locked down.”

Mike Yost