This article is the first chapter in a series on Agribusiness Safety. In this chapter we will focus on Personal Protective Equipment.

Acute Safety and Safety offers high-quality workplace health and safety training including agribusiness safety training. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2020. Join the many thousands we have trained over the years. Register here today.

Now let’s take a look at the various types of PPE and the guidelines surrounding them.

Here are links to all the chapters in the series:

Chapter 1: Personal Protective Equipment
Chapter 2: Guidelines For Use of Chemicals
Chapter 3: Operating Machinery
Chapter 4: Preventing Fires
Chapter 5: Tips for Buildings and Structures
Chapter 6: How ACUTE Can Help

Agribusiness Safety

Learn about the guidelines surrounding Agribusiness safety regarding PPE

Agribusiness Safety: Types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

In order to ensure agribusiness safety, you need to wear the proper personal protective equipment. Here is a list of various types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that could be required for positions in the agribusiness sector:

Hard Hat: Provides you with protection from objects falling on your head and causing serious head injuries

Apron: You should wear a protective apron when handling dangerous chemicals to protect your body from harmful spills.

Hearing Protection: When working around or driving loud machinery, proper hearing protection will keep you from experiencing hearing damage.

Respirator and Dust Mask: Dust masks will give you one-way protection that will capture large particles or droplets from the wearer and prevent them from being spread to the environment. They are appropriate for situations such as mowing grass. If there is a risk of being exposed to hazardous dust, gases or vapours, then you need to wear a respirator instead.

dust mask

Agribusiness Safety: A dust mask won’t protect against harmful chemicals – use a respirator instead

Safety Glasses, Goggles (vented), or Goggles (unvented): Safety glasses and goggles will protect your eyes from damage due to debris and other particles flying around while you are working.

Gloves (cloth, rubber leather, and nitrate): You need to wear the appropriate type of glove for the work you are doing to protect your hands. For example nitrile gloves will protect your hands from most chemicals and infectious agents. Rubber gloves can protect against mild corrosive materials.

Safety Boots (steel-toed) and Safety Boots (rubber): You need to wear protective footwear if you are working in areas where your feet could be injured due to falling or rolling objects or objects that could pierce the sole as well as if you are exposed to electrical hazards.

Chainsaw safety equipment: When working with a chainsaw, make sure you wear the proper PPE  such as a helmet, visor, ear defenders, protective clothing, safety mitts, and steel-toed boots.

Chemical Handling Safety Equipment: When working with chemicals you need to make sure that your PPE properly protects your respiratory system, skin, eyes, face, hands, feet, head, body, and hearing.

chainsaw safety

Agribusiness Safety: Be sure to wear proper chainsaw protective equipment

PPE Guidelines

Employers Need to Provide You with the Necessary PPE: Your employer should provide you with all of the personal protective equipment that you need to safely perform your duties except your safety boots. You will be required to provide those.

Wear All PPE as Required: As an employee, you need to wear all of the personal protective equipment that is designated for the specific job-related tasks that you are performing. This equipment has been provided for your safety and should be used at all times when carrying out these specific tasks.

Get Proper Training: Your supervisor should also provide you with training on how to properly use and wear each item of your personal protective equipment.

Keep Your PPE Properly Maintained: You need to keep you equipment well maintained and you should report any defects to your supervisor as soon as you notice them.

safety boots

Agribusiness Safety: You need to purchase your own safety boots

Are You an OABA Member? Contact ACUTE for Training

If you are a member of the Ontario Agri Business Association (OABA) then you can contact Acute Safety & Safety Services to provide you with the training that you need to meet your obligations set out in federal and provincial health and safety legislation.

The OABA has partnered with ACUTE to give its member access to the expanded resources and training services that ACUTE can provide you to ensure your success with the health and safety compliance programs.

To book safety services including training, inspection, audit, and consulting, you can contact Acute Safety & Safety Services either:

By Phone: 519-747-5075 or
By Email:

Would you like to hold staff safety training at your own location? Click here to learn more.

How ACUTE Can Help with Training

ACUTE offers a wide range of training courses that you can either take at our Waterloo, Ontario training facility or we can come to your location and provide the training you require.

The following is a list of some of the training courses that we provide, however if you prefer, we can also develop customized training for you that is based on your particular needs as an OABA

Confined Space Entry-(attendant/entrant 8 hours)
Confined Space Rescue-(non-entry/entry 8 hours)
Working at Heights-(8 hours)
Elevated Work Platform-(scissor/boom 8 hours)
Forklift-(8 hours)
Telehandler-(8 hours)
Overhead Crane-(8hrs)
Spill Response-(8 hours)
Transportation of Dangerous Goods-(8 hours)

Lockout/Tagout Awareness-(4 hours)
Personnel Protective Equipment-(PPE4hours)
Canada Labour Code Part 2-(4 hours)
Supervisory Due Diligence-(4hours)
Machine Guarding Safety-(4 hours)
Occupational Health & Safety Act & Regulations-(4hours)
Confined Space for Management (never go into confined space – 4hrs)
WHMIS 2015 GHS-(2 hours)

Our safety training sessions include both in-class theory and practical hands-on training. We will also supply you with the training guide, quiz, various visual aids, certificates of training, and wallet cards.

Trust ACUTE for the Best Agribusiness Safety Training

ACUTE’s experienced team members have been serving safety professionals for over 20 years. You can trust ACUTE for hands-on, practical agribusiness safety training to keep your employees safe. ACUTE is dedicated to workplace safety and understands the importance of course and training provider approval. Why get workplace safety training with ACUTE? Here are just some of the benefits of working with ACUTE.

  • Open Door Instructor-Student Partnership – ACUTE’s training services emphasize client participation. Staff foster relationships with clients and serve as a touchstone for advice anytime moving forward.
  • Serving Your Team and Industry – With a vast array of clients in manufacturing, construction, health, academic, and government sectors, ACUTE brings the best safety practices from across the spectrum to your workplace.
  • 100 Years Combined Experience – ACUTE provides comprehensive health and safety trainingon-site safety services, and consulting services. With over 100 years of combined experience, our company staff offer more than theoretical or abstract ideas.  ACUTE offers solutions.
  • Track Record of Success – ACUTE is rated 4.9/5 stars on Google reviews, demonstrating a commitment to our clients, quality, and passion for training.

“We have relied on ACUTE for years to train our staff and keep them safe on the job site.”

Bob, Millwrighting Company