This article discusses the importance of having certified joint health and safety committee
training. ACUTE services can help your team get certified, see here on how we’ve helped our clients .

joint-health-safety committee-training-overview-1Advantages of Having a Joint Health and Safety Committee Employees

There are a number of benefits to having cross-functional and certified employees involved in a health and safety committee including:

  • Limits business impacts to hazards of the workplace
  • Increases buy-in to organization’s health and safety program
  • Increases employee satisfaction as perspectives and ideas are communicated
  • Greater assurance from government fines and business disruptions

Acute is a CPO approved training provider, with a track record of client success towards certification and support. Get your team certified through 2 courses (approx. 5 days of training) offered by our team.

Click here for upcoming training: Part 1 Basic Training for JHSC Certification (The Basics)

Click here for upcoming training: Part 2 Basic Training for JHSC Certification (Identifying Hazards)

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) BlogJoint Health and Safety Committee Defined and Legal Requirements from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development provides the following information in defining a Health and Safety Committee (or more formally Joint Health and Safety Committee – JHSC):

A Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC) is a committee of at least two persons, who represent the workers and the employer at a workplace. Their primary role is to identify workplace health and safety problems and bring them to the attention of the employer. Section 9 of OHSA requires a JHSC at:

  • Any workplace that regularly employs 20 or more workers;
  • Construction projects expected to last three months or longer with 20 or more workers;
  • Any workplace (other than a construction project) to which a designated substance regulation applies;
  • Any workplace where an order has been issued under OHSA section 33, dealing with toxic substances; and
  • Any workplace where the Minister of Labour orders one to be established.

Workplaces with more than five but less than 20 workers are not usually required to have a JHSC. Instead, workers must select a person from among themselves to be a health and safety representative.

health-safety-training-courses3Further Ministry Requirements for Committee Members

The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development also requires the following requirements to be met for members of the JH&SC by March 1, 2016:

Every Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) must have at least two Certified members: one representing workers, and one from management. One worker and one management designated JHSC member must complete Part 1 and Part 2 (see below) of the Training to maintain active Certification status.

Joint Health And Safety Committee Training Overview of Courses Offered

Acute believes that employee safety and health are cornerstones to sustainable business, both for management and employees. The following courses are offered to ensure your team is certified and empowered to help lead your organization in health and safety effectiveness.

Part 1 Basic Training for JHSC Certification (The Basics) – CPO Approved

This 3-day certification course provides in-depth training on the health and safety Joint Health & Safety Committee Certification Training (Part 1)law, hazard recognition, risk assessment, hazard control, accident and incident investigation techniques and an overview of prevention resources. The course is Cheif Prevention Officer approved (CPO approved). At the end of the course you will still need to complete part 2 of the training to receive a JH&SC certification. Any company that regularly employs 20 or more workers is required to create a Joint Health and Safety Committee.

Time = 3 days (24 hours)

Click here to learn more

Part 2 Basic Training for JHSC Certification (Identifying Hazards)

To take part in this process you need to have completed Part 1 Basic Training for JHSC Certification. In this course you will learn how to identify and develop a plan to control significant safety hazards specific to your workplace. Part 2 is required to receive your certification and status card. This training must be completed within 1 year of part 1 of the training to be valid.

Time = 2 days (13 hours)

Click here to learn more

Required Content Addressed in Training to Receive the JHSC Training Certification

Part 1: Basic Training
MLITSD outlines the following topics to be covered as part of certification for Part 1 Basic training:

  • Health and safety law
  • Hazard identification and control
  • Investigation techniques
  • Prevention resources

Part 2: Hazard Training
MLITSD further outlines the following workplace specific topics/responsibilities to be covered as part of certification for Part 2 Workplace-Specific Hazard Training:

  • Recognition
  • Assessment
  • Control of hazards
  • Evaluation of the hazard controls


  • Conduct a workplace hazard assessment.
  • Determine significant hazards.
  • Determine training needs.
  • Ensure at least two members complete this workplace-specific training to be certified.

Steps towards JHSC certification

Steps Required to

Achieve/Maintain Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development JHSC Certification

A committee member must meet the following (summarized) requirements set out by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development to achieve certification for JHSC:

As of March 1, 2016, the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development’s Chief Protection Officer (CPO) may certify committee members who fulfill the training and other requirements set out in either Part A or Part B:

A. Candidate(s) With No Prior JHSC Training (1996 JHSC Certification Training Standards)

  1. Complete  Part 1 Basic Training for JH&SC Certification (The Basics)
  2. Within 1 year of completing Part 1 (subject to stipulations)…
  3. Complete Part 2 Basic Training for JH&SC Certification (Identifying Hazards) which includes: training in a minimum of 6 hazards relevant to the committee member’s workplace

B.Candidate(s) Who have Only Completed Part One Training under the 1996 JHSC Certification Training Standards prior to March 1, 2016.

  1. Complete Part 2 Basic Training for JH&SC Certification (Identifying Hazards) which includes: training in a minimum of 6 hazards relevant to the committee member’s workplace

Note: A certified member must complete a JHSC Certification Refresher Training within three years of being certified by the CPO; then within three years of the date of successfully completing a JHSC Certification Refresher Training Program, that is approved and delivered by an approved provider. See here for exemptions.

joint health and safety committee training overviewBenefits Of Choosing Acute To Do Your Joint Health and Safety Committee Training

There are various providers of JHSC training we have helped our partners in the past reach certification but also to be empowered to effectively drive Health and Safety in their organizations. Acute offers the following distinctives in JHSC certification training:

  • We use a variety of teaching styles for all learning types
  • We can conduct the training at your facility
  • We can customize the course materials to your company policies, procedures and workplace
  • Live customer service that answers the phone every time you call
  • Comfortable training facilities if you choose to conduct the training at our facility

Acute Environmental & Safety Services is consulting and training team based in Waterloo, offering on-site and off-site training based on your needs. Here is what our clients are saying about Acute:

“ACUTE’s trainers have a passion for the material and care about their clients.”

– Rob, Tank Manufacturing Company
