Here is a list of the best free safety videos that you can use in training your staff about workplace safety. Click on the links to go to the video and learn how to implement them into your training program.

  1. Slips, Trips and Falls
  2. Fire Prevention and Safety
  3. Eye Safety
  4. Ergonomics
  5. Confined Spaces

If you are looking for workplace safety training in Ontario, contact ACUTE today.

Free Safety Videos

Trips and falls are some of the most common workplace injuries.

Video Focus: Slips, Trips and Falls

How You Can Implement the Video in Your Workplace Training:

The majority of workplace accidents happen when you trip, slip or fall. This common type of workplace accident can cause:

  • Back injuries
  • Strains and sprains
  • Contusions
  • Fractures

This is a short video that you can send to your employees that will educate them about the primary causes of most slips, trips and falls: something that sticks up a half-inch off the floor including curled-up carpets, cords, tools, uneven flooring, floor mats, etc. Simply email them the link and ask them to take a look.

Here is the link to send:

Who Would Benefit from this Training? All workers – you can slip, trip, and fall in any workplace.

Exit plans should be reviewed regularly to ensure staff know what to do.

Video Focus: Fire Prevention and Safety

How You Can Implement the Video in Your Workplace Training:

Many deaths and injuries caused by fire or explosions in the workplace can be prevented by following emergency action plans, fire prevention plans, and practising fire protection procedures.

You can use the instructions in this video to make unobstructed exit routes, develop an emergency action and fire prevention plan, and protect your employees from fire. This would be a great video to show to all of your employees and then take the principles and put them into action. For example, once the video is done, you can go through all of your fire exit routes and remove any obstructions.

Here is the link to the video:

Who Would Benefit from this Training? All workers – a fire can happen in any workplace.

Safety eyeware is both cheap and easy to put on – don’t neglect it!

Video Focus: Eye Safety and the Importance of Wearing Proper Safety Eyewear

How You Can Implement the Video in Your Workplace Training:

Here is another free safety video that you should have your employees watch. This powerful and relatively short video reviews actual incidents where individuals have lost part or all of their vision and one individual whose vision was saved by wearing proper safety eyewear.

The video is a great reminder for your workers to wear their safety eyewear. You can simply email the link to them and encourage them to watch it as a reminder.

Here is the link to the video:

Who Would Benefit from this Training? Anyone who is exposed to or will be handling any materials or substances that could injure or irritate your eyes such as harmful chemicals, biological hazards, excessive heat, light radiation from welding or lasers, blowing dust particles, liquids that are under pressure, etc.

Additionally, regular stretching and checkups can help you prevent injuries from bad posture.

Video Focus: Ergonomics, Risk Factors, Body Mechanics and How to Prevent Injuries

How You Can Implement the Video in Your Workplace Training:

Ergonomics is the science of fitting jobs to people in order to minimize stress to the body that can cause injuries. Proper implementation of ergonomics in the workplace can help you to:

  • Improve worker efficiency
  • Increase worker capability
  • Reduce workplace injuries
  • Reduce absenteeism

This is a great video for you to watch to help you to understand the types of things that could be putting your workers at risk such as the design and weight of the tools that they use, the posture that they take while working, and the temperature in your workplace. It also explains how you can implement an effective ergonomic plan.

Here is the link to the video:

Who Would Benefit from this Training? Office workers and any workplace where you need to sit or stand for long periods of time or do repetitive movements.

Get the training you need to stay safe while working in confined spaces.

Video Focus: Identifying Confined Spaces in Your Workplace

How You Can Implement the Video in Your Workplace Training:

This is a great safety video put out by the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) that thoroughly explains what a confined space is. This will help you determine if any spaces in your workplace are considered to be confined spaces and will require workers who need to enter or supervise entry into these spaces to get the proper safety training that they need to stay safe. Learn more about confined space training here.

Here is the link to the video:

Who Would Benefit from this Training? Any worker who needs to enter or supervise entry into a confined space.

Reasons to Choose ACUTE for your Safety Training

You can trust ACUTE for the best safety training possible. ACUTE’s experienced team members have been serving safety professionals for over 20 years. You can rely on ACUTE for hands-on, physically distanced, practical safety training to keep your employees safe in the workplace.

ACUTE is dedicated to workplace safety and understands the importance of course and training provider approval.

Why get workplace safety training with ACUTE? Here are just some of the benefits of working with ACUTE:

  • Open Door Instructor-Student Partnership – ACUTE’s training services emphasize client participation. Staff foster relationships with clients and serve as a touchstone for advice anytime moving forward.
  • Serving Your Team and Industry – With a vast array of clients in the manufacturing, construction, health, academic, and government sectors, ACUTE brings the best safety practices from across the spectrum to your workplace.
  • Track Record of Success – ACUTE is rated 4.9/5 stars on Google reviews, demonstrating a commitment to our clients, quality, and passion for training.

Check out our course calendar for times and dates of our courses.

What Our Customers Are Saying…

“The only place I’ve ever taken a safety training course where I felt I got more out of it than just a certificate. Many decades of experience throughout their staff and a wide variety of material for hands-on training.”

Rene Heroux