Today, we are going to outline the top workplace safety tips that you need this year.

ACUTE Environmental and Safety offers high-quality, physically distanced workplace health and safety training. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2020. Join the many thousands we have trained over the years and register here today.

These important tips will go a long way in helping to prevent workplace injuries. So, let’s get started.

workplace safety

Keep your workers safe with these top workplace safety tips

Workplace Safety Tips

1. Train Your Workers: Providing proper safety training for your workers is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure that your workers are protected on the job. You need to provide them with the information, instructions, training, and supervision so they know how to work safely and are aware of any hazards.

2. Train Your Supervisors: Your supervisors also need to know what is required to protect your worker’s health and safety while on the job. You need to provide all of your supervisors with the training that they need to keep your workers safe.

3. Assess Your Workplace: As an employer, it is your responsibility to assess your workplace to find out what you need to do to make sure that your workers are safe.

fall protection course

Workplace safety tips: Provide proper safety training for your workers and supervisors

4. Create Workplace Health & Safety Policies & Procedures: As a business you need to determine and produce clear safety policies and procedures and make sure that your supervisors and workers are aware of what they are and that they follow them.

5. Follow COVID-19 Safety Protocols: While COVID-19 is still a threat, employers should regularly assess the workplace along with your joint health and safety committee or health and safety representative. If a worker develops COVID-19 symptoms, then you should encourage them to stay and home and not to come into work. You should also get in touch with your health care provider, Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000, and your local public health unit.  For more specific information on Coronavirus precautions, visit Public Health Ontario.

For the most recent updates on employers’ responsibilities and how you can protect your workers as well as information about health and safety protections at the workplace for workers, visit the Government of Ontario’s website here.

6. Wear the Right Personal Protective Equipment to Suit the Situation: Personal protective equipment can keep you safe, however there are specific types of PPE to suit different situations. For example, if you work at heights then you should be wearing fall arrest safety equipment of if you are working with chemicals you need appropriate PPE such as safety glasses, hard hat, gloves, and respirator.

To protect against COVID-19 you should also wear the proper PPE such as face masks and gloves when physical distancing is not possible. In addition, you need to make sure that all of your PPE is in good condition and is properly cleaned when necessary.

respiratory protection

Workplace safety tips: Wear proper PPE appropriate to your working conditions

7. Keep Your Workplace Tidy: One of the best and easiest workplace safety tips is simply keeping your workplace tidy. Making sure that all your work areas are organized and free from trip hazards and well as cleaning up any spills that could cause workers to slip and fall can go a long way in keeping everyone safe. Also make sure that all supplies and overhead items are securely stacked to avoid them falling and hitting someone on the head.

8. Make Sure Your Emergency Exits Are Clear: You need to ensure that all of your emergency exits and paths are kept clear of any obstructions that could impede your timely and safe evacuation during an emergency situation.

9. Keep Chemicals Stored Safely Away: Harmful chemicals need special attention to make sure that they are stored safely. All chemicals need proper labeling and have their own special storage area that is also labelled. Also remember that if you are working with harmful chemicals, you need to be wearing the appropriate PPE.

working with chemicals

Workplace safety tips: Make sure that harmful chemicals are stored properly

10. If You See a Safety Violation, Report It: Staying safe on the job is the responsibility of every worker, supervisor and owner. Make sure that if you see a hazard that you report it as soon as possible. In addition, if you notice any unsafe behaviour on the job, you should report it too and give any recommendations that you might have to improve it.

11. Make Sure Your New Employees Know Your Safety Culture: Make sure you provide thorough safety training as you hire new workers. New hires are at a higher risk of workplace injury than your experienced workers. Be sure to familiarize them with your organization’s safety protocols before they begin to work.

12. Provide Proper Equipment Training: If you have a new employee, you need to make sure that they are properly trained on how to safely operate the machinery and equipment that they will be using. Also, when you purchase new equipment, all staff who will be using the equipment need proper training on it before they start to use it.

agribusiness training

Workplace safety tips: Make sure new workers are trained on the machinery they will be using

13. Have Workers Who Know CPR and First Aid: Having workers who know CPR and First Aid is another one of our workplace safety tips. These skills can be life-saving in an emergency when there is no time to wait for medical help to arrive.

14. Drink Lots of Water: If you are working outside in the heat, you need to keep hydrated to prevent illnesses such as heat stroke, heat stress, and heat exhaustion. This is especially true in workplaces such as construction sites, oil and gas operations, agribusinesses, and emergency response operations.

15. Hold Periodic Safety Talks: Holding periodic safety talks is one of the best workplace safety tips for keeping safety in the minds of your workers. These short talks on topics such as safe driving practices are a great way to remind your workers of your safety protocols.

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Workplace safety tips: Hold regular safety talks to remind workers of best practices

16. Remember Your Posture: One of the most often forgotten workplace safety tips involves maintaining the correct posture while working. Poor posture can result in injuries such as sprains, strains, back pain and injuries, and muscle tears. These kinds of problems occur particularly if you are handling heavy objects, sitting in tiring positions, or doing repetitive tasks.

17. Provide Working at Heights Training: Some of the most severe and common workplace injuries are cause due to falls. In 2018, there were 10,067 fall-related injuries recorded by WSIB. Make sure that you provide your workers who at high elevations with Working at Heights Training.

working at heights

Workplace safety tips: Get Working at Heights training for your employees who work at high elevations

Workplace Safety Tips: Get Training from ACUTE

Our safety training sessions include both physically distanced in-class theory and practical hands-on training. We will also supply you with the training guide, quiz, various visual aids, certificates of training, and wallet cards.

ACUTE’s experienced team members have been serving safety professionals for over 20 years. You can trust ACUTE for hands-on, practical safety training to keep your employees safe. ACUTE is dedicated to workplace safety and understands the importance of course and training provider approval. Why get workplace safety training with ACUTE? Here are just some of the benefits of working with ACUTE.

ACUTE Environmental Services
  • Open Door Instructor-Student Partnership – ACUTE’s training services emphasize client participation. Staff foster relationships with clients and serve as a touchstone for advice anytime moving forward.
  • Serving Your Team and Industry – With a vast array of clients in manufacturing, construction, health, academic, and government sectors, ACUTE brings the best safety practices from across the spectrum to your workplace.
  • 100 Years Combined Experience – ACUTE provides comprehensive health and safety trainingon-site safety services, and consulting services. With over 100 years of combined experience, our company staff offer more than theoretical or abstract ideas.  ACUTE offers solutions.
  • Track Record of Success – ACUTE is rated 4.9/5 stars on Google reviews, demonstrating a commitment to our clients, quality, and passion for training.

“Fantastic facilitators and staff here. I have brought many students to Acute for training over multiple years and have no complaints.

They are very accommodating, professional, and thorough in their training standards.

Highly recommended.”

Dave Pope